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Franc White-Southern Sportsman

Franc White-Southern Sportsman

...i don't know how many of you watched or even remember his programs...the carolina sportsman...that morphed into the southern sportsman when it went national...mr. white introduced me to the southern outdoors....i used to get up early on sunday morning to watch it before church....he did several outer banks shows with one where he landed a s.t.o.l. (short take off and landing) airplane on the beach at plymouth island!....anyway....he is still kicking and about 84 years young....his daughters have started a website.......... [URL]Click to follow link...[/URL]# .....enjoy..........................................

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I used to watch it all the time and enjoy the cooking segments,He had a restaurant in Greenville I belive...

I used to watch it all the time and enjoy the cooking segments,He had a restaurant in Greenville I belive...
...he had several jb....had one in richmond also......................

My next door neighbor(an avid fresh water fisherman) is a long time friend of his and has appeared on his show several times. He has not talked to him for a long time, FW moved out of the country. Thanks Gene, I will tell him about the site.

My next door neighbor(an avid fresh water fisherman) is a long time friend of his and has appeared on his show several times. He has not talked to him for a long time, FW moved out of the country. Thanks Gene, I will tell him about the site.
...i dug this up from jim baugh outdoors....this was july, 2009............ "We have been producing Jim Baugh Outdoors TV for 20 years now, and each year I get e mails and calls asking me if I knew what ever happened to Franc White. I had searched the web many times, checked fishing boards, nothing, not a trace. Several people told me he had passed away. Well, yesterday, I came across a two year old article by Brad Shrader at WRAL TV in Raleigh. I called Brad on the phone and ask him if it was true, and Brad said, "Yes!!! Franc is alive and kicking at this home in NC" Turns out Franc did retire and spend time in New Zealand, and then moved back to his home in NC. Frank does not fly anymore due to health reasons, Franc is in his mid 80's now and still does write for some magazines, according to Brad, Franc also got remarried not to long ago. Congratulations!"

Interesting, New zealand is what my neighbor said. I will see if he knows he is back in NC By the way ,how are you guys doing?

Southern Gentleman..

Good old House Autry...Franc White hunted and fished with us in the early 80's...He landed his lil "Bird dog" plane at the strip across from JB's future restaurant...He was supposed to come back and "Film" a hunt and southern oyster roast but the guys thought better of it, fearing too much advertising of our little "Paradise"...He was sincere fine gentlemen with many interesting observations on a myriad of topics...Nice too know he's still around .

Thanks for the heads up guys! I used to watch Southern Sportsman on channel 5 out of
Raleigh many moons ago. Then in the 80's, they started playing reruns @ 11:30 pm on
Sunday nights. Always fell asleep to his signature flute sign off tune. Made for a better
Monday morn.

"Do yourself a favor, Take a kid fishin"

Interesting, New zealand is what my neighbor said. I will see if he knows he is back in NC By the way ,how are you guys doing?
....we are doing well....hope all is well with yall..................

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