OBX Connection Home > OBX Connection Forum > Frisco Sunset 02.03.25
Frisco Sunset 02.03.25

Frisco Sunset 02.03.25

This one was pretty tonight! Finally, after hours of fog, I can see past my dock. Temp has been rising too.

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RE: Frisco Sunset 02.03.25

Love that!

RE: Frisco Sunset 02.03.25

Thanks, Lolly!

And another I just grabbed....I love it that the day is a bit longer now.

RE: Frisco Sunset 02.03.25

And one overlooking our dock/pier...whatever it's called. It's odd that the solar light above the fish cleaning table shows as green.

RE: Frisco Sunset 02.03.25

I'm lazing on the couch reading and looked up to see this beautiful, I think, quarter moon, through the window. Thought it was a reflection from something in the house. Had to run outside to take a quick pic. Took a regular photo and one with my night sight filter on my phone. The regular one looks more life like. Much better in person of course. Just so beautiful! It is much warmer as the night goes on.

RE: Frisco Sunset 02.03.25

And the night sight one....

Gotta really use a real camera for shots like these to get them better

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