Snow flurries

Snow flurries

First snow flakes here in Kitty Hawk.

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RE: Snow flurries

First snow flakes here in Kitty Hawk.


I was just gonna post but you beat me to it! It's cold out here! Maybe time for a bowl of hot chowder.... Clapping smiley

RE: Snow flurries

Chowdah sounds good! I got some leftover from Sunday, it's been quite cold here lately.

RE: Snow flurries

Looks like a good start here in Kitty Hawk.

RE: Snow flurries

Kitty Hawk

RE: Snow flurries

Update? Y'all snowed in yet?

RE: Snow flurries

This is the northern edge of Run Hill at 5:35.

RE: Snow flurries


RE: Snow flurries

Update? Y'all snowed in yet?

Greg MD

Kitty Hawk at 8:45 PM.

RE: Snow flurries

Those are great! Keep 'em coming! Thank you!

We spoke to our neighbor in Brigands Bay and he is checking out our home. I kinda wigged out when I saw Tim's icicle post! Our web cam is out...typical for the outages down there I'm guessing. Needs a re set.

RE: Snow flurries

Kitty Hawk 8:30 AM

RE: Snow flurries

Nags Head at 8:00. It's impossible to tell how much we got here at the house because the wind blew it all around. There are some hefty drifts along some of the houses, but the open areas look like very little accumulation. The ditch in this photo is a few feet down to the water and it's filled with snow in places.

I think the roads may have fared better without the brine. The clear road in the pic was not treated and remained clear due to the wind.

WITN reports 8" in SS and Colington. Click to follow link...

RE: Snow flurries

Around 7” in west Kitty Hawk (hard to tell because of the drifts). Beautiful.

RE: Snow flurries

Cold and windy today

RE: Snow flurries

Those pics are nice, guys!! Thanks for posting.

RE: Snow flurries

Cold and windy up at the Virginia line in Carova.

RE: Snow flurries

Teach's Lair, Hatteras Village. Looks like they got a lot of snow!

RE: Snow flurries

9 inches in Salvo and still coming down. Easy snow to move around. Wind is howling, glad to not have to go anywhere.

Joked with my daughter who lives in West NC. They get a hurricane, we get snow ????? What the......

RE: Snow flurries

Teach's Lair looks deep! The Island Free Press has some great pics. You guys be careful down there.

RE: Snow flurries

9 inches in Salvo and still coming down. Easy snow to move around. Wind is howling, glad to not have to go anywhere.

Joked with my daughter who lives in West NC. They get a hurricane, we get snow ????? What the......

Tom in PA

SnOBX baby! Yea, driftting up to couple feet for folks in the lee, wind scraping most off the beach...dudes like you understand driving in the snow...most everybody else, not so much...FWD GO ain't quite the same as FWD felt for the folks to the south, losing power and all. Yikes!

Stay warm!

RE: Snow flurries

Easy snow to move around.

Tom in PA

...mostly! Laughing smiley The opening to the house underside faces south and I had a 3' drift in front of my truck so I decided to get it out of the way before it was an ice block. Definitely a good shoveling snow, but... who has a snow shovel here?? It kept sticking to my round point shovel, but I am done and warm again.

RE: Snow flurries

The wind is making it miserable! It's really like a blizzard since the snow is so dry.

RE: Snow flurries

Rodanthe Pier at 0900 today. Wind howling at 35 kts. Drifts are real with this much wind. Stay warm and let's remember this wx when it is 90 in 6 months.

RE: Snow flurries


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RE: Snow flurries

6-8". That's a good amount of snow for up north! Mstaszew got what he wanted!

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