That ain’t nothin. Sasquatch knocked on our back door last night in Kitty Hawk and asked if he could borrow a couple of eggs.
Okay all you non believers. I have not read the VA Pilot Article nor any local stuff, but WE DO HAVE KILLER WHALES OFF THE OUTER BANKS! As a retired Charter Boat Captain with a 25 year Outer Banks career, I have seen several, PLEASE NOTE THE WORD SEVERAL, over the years in the Winter Time. There was a Mom and Calf directly off the Monument in KDH but out about a mile or two. Stayed around for a couple of days. In addition there was a famous Video taken from the Wanchese Charter Boat (I believe Phideaux) about 15 years ago of a Killer Whale coming up alongside the boat to eat a Bluefin Tuna. NOW THE PROBLEM. The photo says it was only 30 yard out ?????????? Whoa, that size ORCA would probably scrape bottom and probably not be able to get up enough speed to jump that high. Oh well, just sayn.
For those that do an Offshore (Gulfstream) fishing Trip with us it is not uncommon, but not guaranteed, to see an acre of breaking Dolphins, many Pilot Whales, huge Manta Rays, Sea Turtles, large Hammerhead Sharks and if you're lucky a fin whale (generally not summer). We had a customer once tell us they wasted money on a Sound Dolphin Watch, when they saw a variety of Sea Life on a trip.