Survey boat

Survey boat

We’ve been watching the survey boat off the shore in Southern Shores. Any idea what/why they’re surveying?

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RE: Survey boat

Not sure if you'll be able to open this link from yesterday, so I'll copy/paste some of the article also. This might be what you're seeing.
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What was that? Carbon capture experiment underway off Duck
20 hours ago

By Sam Walker

A pair of tugs, a barge and a small research boat were working off the Carolina Shores neighborhood in Duck on Sunday as part of a pilot project to "advance climate science research".

San Francisco-based Project Vesta, a public benefit corporation focused on ocean-based carbon dioxide removal, was founded in 2019.

Their project involves placing a common mineral in the nearshore waters north of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility this month to implement a project known as "Coastal Carbon Capture.

According to the project's website, "CCC is a new technique inspired by Coastal Enhanced Weathering which accelerates the Earth’s natural process for removing atmospheric carbon dioxide - the pollutant driving unprecedented climate change."

"This project is designed to help the world understand the role Coastal Carbon Capture could play in removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to minimize impacts of climate change...our goals are to deploy olivine sand as a nearshore berm, monitor the effects to guide future projects and develop methods for tracking the movement of olivine sand."

Vesta said Coastal Carbon Capture is a technique for removing atmospheric carbon dioxide and reducing ocean acidity that could also be used to add sand to coastal protection projects.

"The dissolution of the carbon-removing sand in seawater accelerates the natural process of CO2 removal and storage by mineral weathering, which has regulated the Earth’s climate for billions of years."

Vesta said they chose the waters off Duck because " is one of the most studied and best-understood American coastlines...the USACE Field Research Facility and efforts by Dare County and the Town of Duck to study and manage the beach make it an invaluable location for scientific research."

The project involves the placement of 7,000 cubic yards of olivine sand will be placed in a 300-foot by 2200-foot corridor located 1,500 feet offshore in 25 feet of water.

RE: Survey boat

Plants remove excess carbon. Light bulb
Politicians' families remove excess money. Liar

RE: Survey boat

Coastal Review had an article about a year ago on this.

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And this is from the company Vesta Earth

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RE: Survey boat

So, buckwheat, who gave Vespa permission to run this experiment and dump that stuff into your NC state waters? And who signed the check for it? Or did they deposit a check for granting said permission? Don't say the government, that's just used as a shield to deflect accountability away from the person (s) responsible.

RE: Survey boat

So, buckwheat, who gave Vespa permission to run this experiment and dump that stuff into your NC state waters? And who signed the check for it? Or did they deposit a check for granting said permission? Don't say the government, that's just used as a shield to deflect accountability away from the person (s) responsible.

Greg MD

I have no idea, and in case you’re wondering, I am just as skeptical as you are.

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RE: Survey boat

You have come across as a person with genuine concerns about NC and a knack for digging up details. That's why I posted. I'm glad they didn't dump that stuff in MD waters. Until I see the person who signed off sitting buck naked in a bathtub full of it, I remain skeptical of it being harmless. It changes the pH and the CO2 concentration of the water. That’s two strikes already.

RE: Survey boat

You have come across as a person with genuine concerns about NC and a knack for digging up details. That's why I posted. I'm glad they didn't dump that stuff in MD waters. Until I see the person who signed off sitting buck naked in a bathtub full of it, I remain skeptical of it being harmless. It changes the pH and the CO2 concentration of the water. That’s two strikes already.

Greg MD

Might be some idea that Dr. Fauci picked up on one of his trips to Wuhan. Amazon has it for sale if you want to try it out in your aquarium.

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RE: Survey boat

You have come across as a person with genuine concerns about NC and a knack for digging up details. That's why I posted. I'm glad they didn't dump that stuff in MD waters. Until I see the person who signed off sitting buck naked in a bathtub full of it, I remain skeptical of it being harmless. It changes the pH and the CO2 concentration of the water. That’s two strikes already.

Greg MD

I had read the article in Coastal Review when it came out a year ago.
I’ve been a regular reader of Coastal Review for years. They interviewed me for a story in 2012, about six months before I moved back to the Outer Banks.

Click to follow link...:~:text=Perkins, a former Coast Guardsman,cypress knees in the creek.

RE: Survey boat

Wow! Back in the day in the 80's when we drove down here, we always drove through Elizabeth City to get to the Outer Banks. Such a beautiful view gazing at the swamp. All of us would wonder at the age of it and the life that was in it. It always fascinated me with the old trees. Good for you.

RE: Survey boat

Wow! Back in the day in the 80's when we drove down here, we always drove through Elizabeth City to get to the Outer Banks. Such a beautiful view gazing at the swamp. All of us would wonder at the age of it and the life that was in it. It always fascinated me with the old trees. Good for you.


This video was taken the previous spring before the bulldozer damaged the cypress knees. And you can see the size of the tree and the proximity to my house. The trio of mallards are Aretha, Elvis, and Jake (as in the Blues Brothers). They were a trip and kept me entertained all spring long. That’s why I named them after entertainers. The deck is on the ground atop 2 by 10s and if it looks kind of close to the creek, well, as it said in the article, I was not in CAMA jurisdiction.

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RE: Survey boat

Thanks for posting about the cypress knees, EZ. I have always been fascinated by biology and kept at it right through most of college because it was an easy A for me. I knew that the knees probably allowed the submerged roots to breathe, I probably learned that about the same time as what the definition of a woman is.

Don't get me started on Mr Fauci. He's fertilizer in my opinion.

Greg MD

OK. I won’t get you started on Fauci. But I will just say that I am a huge fan of Senator Rand Paul. No one grills Fauci like Dr. Paul, a brilliant physician himself.

Hope this is not too political. It’s actually more about science and health.

One of their many face-offs.

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RE: Survey boat

So, buckwheat, who gave Vespa permission to run this experiment and dump that stuff into your NC state waters? And who signed the check for it? Or did they deposit a check for granting said permission? Don't say the government, that's just used as a shield to deflect accountability away from the person (s) responsible.

Greg MD

I have no idea, and in case you’re wondering, I am just as skeptical as you are.

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Is this organization the one backed by the fossil-fuel industry and worked with Philip Morris years ago questioning the links between the health risks of smoking,and secondhand smoke?

RE: Survey boat

The company who engineered the beach nourishment project from the NC line down to NH are taking measurements of the shoreline and depth. They were in KDH yesterday. I spoke with the engineer and asked him what they were doing and he explained it. I don't doubt there are experiments going on at the pier in Duck, but the survey boat you saw is related to measuring the beach nourishment project.

RE: Survey boat

Thought someone might enjoy reading more about the links between the worlda oceans and carbon. This article states that wave action affecting the weathering rate is a big question. Bing! The reason this is happening at the pier...they have sensors and run wave energy experiments constantly.

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RE: Survey boat

The solution is ball bearings and Ice Cubes.

Air Force C5 Galaxies doing massive ice cube drops along the North Carolina coast to lower the water temperatures, that way when hurricane comes, it hits that cold water and it dissolves. Then we go to the ball bearing approach and launch ball bearings with small nukes on them to dissipate the eye wall of the hurricane.

RE: Survey boat

I wrote a term paper on the entire photosynthetic biochemical energy conversion process from sunlight to sugar. For plants, CO2 is required, not optional.

About half of the earth's oxygen comes from photosynthesis in the oceans, and only from the top few feet where sunlight can penetrate. For animals, O2 is required, not optional.

The problem with reducing the CO2 in the ocean? Atmospheric CO2 and O2 are directly proportional. Grow more plants to reduce the CO2 if that's the goal. It's really that simple.

RE: Survey boat

I wrote a term paper on the entire photosynthetic biochemical energy conversion process from sunlight to sugar. For plants, CO2 is required, not optional.

About half of the earth's oxygen comes from photosynthesis in the oceans, and only from the top few feet where sunlight can penetrate. For animals, O2 is required, not optional.

The problem with reducing the CO2 in the ocean? Atmospheric CO2 and O2 are directly proportional. Grow more plants to reduce the CO2 if that's the goal. It's really that simple.

Greg MD

Greg, here is another good one.

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RE: Survey boat

The company who engineered the beach nourishment project from the NC line down to NH are taking measurements of the shoreline and depth. They were in KDH yesterday. I spoke with the engineer and asked him what they were doing and he explained it. I don't doubt there are experiments going on at the pier in Duck, but the survey boat you saw is related to measuring the beach nourishment project.


I just saw it pass me at the 4.5 mp in Kitty going south. 5:30pm

RE: Survey boat

Thanks for posting about the cypress knees, EZ. I have always been fascinated by biology and kept at it right through most of college because it was an easy A for me. I knew that the knees probably allowed the submerged roots to breathe, I probably learned that about the same time as what the definition of a woman is.

Don't get me started on Mr Fauci. He's fertilizer in my opinion.

Greg MD

OK. I won’t get you started on Fauci. But I will just say that I am a huge fan of Senator Rand Paul. No one grills Fauci like Dr. Paul, a brilliant physician himself.

Hope this is not too political. It’s actually more about science and health.

One of their many face-offs.

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It’s a damn shame his neighbor wasn’t more efficient


How are you doing, MikeW?
I suppose if you can put a plug in for Rand Paul’s thug neighbor,

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then I can put a plug-in for Rand Paul’ s brilliant new book.

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500+ reviews and a 4.8 out of 5 star rating.

RE: Survey boat

MikeW wrote:

“It’s a damn shame his neighbor wasn’t more efficient”

Senator Paul had part of his lung removed because of that senseless attack, which happened on Dr. Paul’s property. Just how efficient would you prefer the attack have been, MikeW?

This is something that the moderators should take a close look at, in my opinion. Advocating violence is not even protected by the First Amendment. Not to mention that MikeW has for years popped in only to jab personal insults at Tim out of the blue. That is mainly what he is known for here. But this is more serious.

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RE: Survey boat

Agreed. There is no place for a comment recommending murder. I am right when that is what you are suggesting, MikeW, rather than the severe maiming that took place?

RE: Survey boat

I wish I was MikeW's neighbor.

RE: Survey boat

Agreed. There is no place for a comment recommending murder. I am right when that is what you are suggesting, MikeW, rather than the severe maiming that took place?


The lawyer who represented Senator Paul’s assailant claimed there was no political motivation, and that the confrontation stemmed from Dr. Paul’s sloppy yard keeping habits. However, neighbors said that Paul and his family were very welcoming to others in the neighborhood and had finely trimmed landscaping at their house.

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Furthermore, however

“Boucher’s Facebook page, which has since been taken down, contained numerous postings of news articles blasting President Donald Trump. He also frequently shared posts from the left-leaning advocacy group Occupy Democrats.”

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Perhaps MikeW’s grievances against Dr. Paul are also related to his sloppy landscaping and are not politically motivated. This jerk blindsided
Dr. Paul, tackling him from behind on Dr. Paul’s own property.

Senator Paul’s wife now sleeps with a loaded gun at her side, a gun that MikeW no doubt believes she should not be able to possess.

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RE: Survey boat

Ez, don't expend too much energy on MikeW. When he has a full diaper, he comes on here to vent his frustration with the nursing home staff.

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