When I made my second Portsmouth trip, my travel companion was planning on going topless once we reached the beach there. When we arrived, there were several trucks on the beach with a few fishermen, so she chickened out. We were far enough away from them that it wouldn't matter, but several of them kept driving down our way, looping around and driving back. Sexual repression in this country seems to be at an all-time high since the Victorian age.
A boob is a boob.
You guys crack me up!! A boob is a boob. Not that exciting LOL. And from a womans perspective...I do not need to see any "commando" guy action on the beach. Not a good look. Seriously. Much sexier in trunks!
You guys crack me up!! A boob is a boob. Not that exciting LOL. And from a womans perspective...I do not need to see any "commando" guy action on the beach. Not a good look. Seriously. Much sexier in trunks!Boobs to men are like shoes to women....we want to see every pair!
Ohhhhhhh. Now you're speaking my language! Boobs as shoes. So, you can rank...from "Good God that pair of Manolo's are to die for!" to the "Good God I'd RATHER die, leave those at home!" pair of Croc's. Got it. Carry on fellas!
If I was a woman I'd be angry that a man can go topless but that I couldn't.
If I was a woman I'd be angry that a man can go topless but that I couldn't. Especially now that many men have bigger boobs than many women. Maybe we should make them cover up, that could really upset the children.
Topless still illegal on Pea Island according to the NPS, despite being legal under State Law, wonder how they do that.Americans fixation on breasts always amaze me. If I was a woman I'd be angry that a man can go topless but that I couldn't. Especially now that many men have bigger boobs than many women. Maybe we should make them cover up, that could really upset the children.
Topless still illegal on Pea Island according to the NPS, despite being legal under State Law, wonder how they do that.Americans fixation on breasts always amaze me. If I was a woman I'd be angry that a man can go topless but that I couldn't. Especially now that many men have bigger boobs than many women. Maybe we should make them cover up, that could really upset the children.Where did you find that law? Only Pea Island? What about the rest of the National Seashore?
This thread reminds me of an old Rodney Carrington song thats posted on Youtube called "Ti##ies & Beer".
Sexual repression in this country seems to be at an all-time high since the Victorian age.