The Wharf MP 12

By: Iwannagoback
3/27/2011 1:36 PM

Would anyone have a photo of The Wharf Restaurant that was closed and torn down several years ago. The place was great and every evening there was always a line out the door. Thanks for the memories.


By: hoi toide
3/27/2011 1:44 PM

i searched the board & found an old thread with some pics over in the "Main Forum." Its been bumped up just now. :smiley16:


By: Iwannagoback
3/28/2011 2:26 AM

Thanks so much hoi toide for the bump on the main board. Please keep your eye peeled for an old vacation photo of The Wharf. I would love to see it.


By: helen57
7/17/2014 12:44 PM

I found a picture of the sign on a web site but not the actual shot of the restaurant.
