Shark cocktail?

By: Robert
7/12/2024 7:51 AM

A friend mentioned having a cocktail somewhere on the Outer Banks back in the 90s that featured a shark attack/shark bite cocktail. It was a blue cocktail that came with a rubber shark floating in it The shark was filled with grenadine. You would dump the grenadine out and it looks like blood in the water. Anyone remember the name?


By: johnbt
7/12/2024 8:04 AM

All I can come up with is a pic from Tortuga's Lie.

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By: johnbt
7/12/2024 8:29 AM

Okay, I finished the pot of coffee.

"We love this shot of our specialty Shark Attack drink. The frenzied shark is filled with 'blood' (grenadine) & waiting to be poured into your drink! It's definitely a customer favorite!! Thanks for tagging us @cwilberge #TortugasLie"

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By: Floyd
7/12/2024 8:37 AM

I recall a shark bite drink that my kids used to get at Mama Kwan's. I had a cabinet full of rubber sharks from them. I believe Goombays had one as well. Obviously, neither were alcoholic drinks though.


By: JCL1
7/12/2024 11:40 AM

I believe the adult version at Toog's is called the Shark Attack and the kids' version is called the Near Miss which cracks me up.
